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Please take the time to read through this information carefully.


Please note that by making a booking with Steady Professional Massage Therapy, you are agreeing to my terms and conditions and privacy policy. You also agree to attend the appointment you have booked.


Appointments can be made via telephone, text or email. 


Cancellations, I require a minimum of 24 hours notice to cancel an appointment. Failure to attend an appointment with less than 24 hours notice will incur the charge for the full appointment.


Late arrivals, it is important that our agreed appointment time and duration is adhered to. Sometimes, things happen and you may arrive late, or need to leave earlier than planned, this is acceptable, but I cannot make the missed time by overrunning, or adding time to subsequent appointments. 


Cessation of treatment, if it is felt that you are not benefiting from the treatment provided, the treatment will be reviewed and alternatives should be discussed, which may necessitate you seeking advice from your GP and other healthcare providers and result in the ceasing of treatment from Steady Professional Massage Therapy.


All clients will be treated fairly without discrimination. No pressure will ever be placed on you to have an area of the body treated if you do not feel comfortable to have that area treated.


Vouchers,  I offer a range of vouchers to purchase via cash / credit / debit card payments, alternatively pay via bank transfer.

Full payment must be received before gift vouchers can be distributed. Gift vouchers are valid for 1 year from the purchase date.
Gift vouchers are non-refundable in any capacity.
In the event that a treatment is booked higher than the value displayed on the gift voucher, the remaining balance must be paid at the end of treatment / appointment.



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