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Massage Myths

So some myths need to be challenged. “Massage has to hurt for it to work.” At Steady Professional Massage Therapy, I definitely do deep work but I get best results by staying within your pain tolerance rather than pushing past it. So if you are clenching your teeth or holding your breath, that is too much and I would never want you to suffer in silence.

So in a nutshell - my principle is to start with minimal invasive treatment, see how it works, and then with your consent move to more firmer techniques if need be. So the treatments are tailored to your needs with the aim of relaxing the soft tissue and reduce your discomfort.,

A sports massage treatment can be as relaxing as any other type of massage if that is what is needed to achieve the results.

Steady Professional Massage Therapy is qualified in a range of techniques which can be encompassed into a Sports Massage including specific treatments. (see below).


SOFT TISSUE TECHNIQUES are used to restore normal range of motion and to assist with Soft tissue injury treatment. The following techniques are used at Steady Professional Massage Therapy.


Soft tissue release (STR), is an advanced massage technique widely used in assessing and stretching soft tissue. STR it is often used in easing the pain in muscles tension and realigning the body. Yet, unlike general stretching, STR targets specific areas of tension within a muscle, it is also useful for targeting muscles that are difficult to stretch actively and for isolating a muscle within a group of muscles that would normally stretch together. almost anyone will benefit from STR as it can be used anywhere because it can be performed through clothing or a towel and in prone, supine or seated positions.

In folk medicine it has always been known that finger pressure on a painful spot can reduce the pain. Trigger point therapy is a recognised soft tissue approach incorporating pressures, which are applied by thumbs, fingers, elbows, or an applicator tool.


PNF is a method of increasing range of motion, strength, endurance, joint stability and motor control through the stimulation of proprioceptors. PNF, combine isometric contractions (without contraction of a muscle) (active contractile stretching, the muscle is passively stretched to its’ full length. The client contracts the muscle providing the tensile forces needed to stretch its’ own connective tissues.) And passive static stretching as a means of producing a neurological release plus a physiological lengthening of the soft tissues. There are two main types of PNF and they are effective with a variety of different conditions.

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