VTCT Diploma Level 4 Sports Massage & Level 3 City & Guilds Swedish Massage
Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT) number 205879​
Massage is a safe treatment for most people, contra-indications a reason, symptom or situation that prevents massage being carried out safely, and are there for the health and safety of both you as my client and myself. Some contraindications require written permission from a healthcare professional to proceed. In some instances your doctors permission is required before treatment can commence.
These are indications or conditions that dictate there should be no treatment what so ever. For example, Cancer, client under the influence of drugs and or alcohol, fever, acute inflammatory conditions, contagious skin diseases, serious illness or condition, being treated medically, unless a GP has given approval.
These are indications or conditions that dictate there should be no treatment in areas specific to the condition and include the following. Skin disease in one area, area of sepis, recent fractures, operations or scar tissue, varicose veins, extensive bruising, limb with a history of thrombosis or inflamed veins, areas of unexplained pain, swelling or lumps, pregnancy, sun burn.
Clients on long term medication, those suffering from arthritis, cardiovascular conditions including hyper and hypo tension, chronic asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, medical oedema,  multiple sclerosis, nervous and psychotic conditions, nut allergies, osteoporosis, rheumatism